Hi, my name is John Rosel.

I’m a Coach, Mentor & Wellness Professional. I help people get control of their life mentally, emotionally and physically, and to help them find their path through the maze of life, career, family and all the expectations a modern world throws at us.

I was born in 1969 and The 4 Pillars of Life has come through my experiences over the last 50 odd years whilst making my own way in the world.  I had an interesting childhood growing up in Western Queensland and at the age of 12 I was sent away to boarding school, and I’ve been making it up as I go along ever since then. I’ve made an amazingly large amount of mistakes along the way because I was never one to ask for help or guidance and I prided myself on being independent, until at a point in my life I started to realise there were other ways of doing things, and just maybe, I wasn’t always right and everyone else wasn’t always wrong. 

After I left boarding school I worked in the finance industry for 10 years before entering the property development industry where I still am today. I had 10 years with a major national property developer, trying desperately to climb the corporate ladder, before I struck out on my own and started my own Project Management Company. That was 13 years ago and I am still working for myself today. Whilst the last few years of the GFC have been difficult for all of us, the personal growth that the hard times have given me is beyond worth, and is a major contributor to the thoughts and guidelines in this book. 

Sport has always been a big part of my life and I have been involved in Athletics, Gymnastics, Rugby League and Martial Arts for most of my life. I hold 3 Martial Arts Black Belts including a 4th Degree in BJC Muay Thai, a 1st Degree in Tae Kwon Do, and a Black Belt in Zen Do Kai Karate, and I run a club called ‘Old Boys Thai Boxing’

I am blessed with a beautiful wife and 3 beautiful daughters (no sons, I think someone upstairs has a lousy sense of humour). My life hasn’t been extraordinary but I have also had some experiences that few people have, and for some reason I feel the need to share my thoughts on life, and of taking back control of your life. I really hope through this journey I can get you to question your life, where you are, and open your eyes to the possibilities of living a life worth living. 

John Rosel
Live a Life Worth Living

Dip. Life Coach